The Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of Pets
The Secret Life of Pets

The Secret Life of Pets (2016)

The quiet life of a terrier named Max is upended when his owner takes in Duke, a stray whom Max instantly dislikes.

Release Date: July 8, 2016

511 Movie Reviews
  • jb_penguin12
    jb_penguin12about 8 years55 popcorn
    I liked the movie but I expected it to be a little better. I liked that the movie was funny and I thought that most of the characters were really cute but I thought that it wasn't as exciting the commercials showed. In the movie Max's owner Katie got a new dog Duke and that made Max sort of upset that he wasn't Katie's favorite anymore. Then when he was trying to get rid of Duke they got into some trouble around the city and ended up at Duke's old owners house. Also along their journey they met Snowball the bunny and his crew who wanted revenge on their owners for getting rid of them. Then just in time they found their way back home and realized that they could be friends. At first I thought Snowball was cute but after I saw the movie it changed my opinion until the end when he became good. My favorite characters were Max, Gidget, and Snowball because I thought they were very cute.
    • allycat716
      allycat716about 8 years22 popcornFeatured
      I thought this movie was very cute in the beginning, but the middle was just plain weird and kind of inappropriate. The animals thought it would be cool if they killed their owners (not that they did kill their owners) and the abandoned animals backstories were a bit disturbing if say a seven or eight year old went to see it. I mean I'm in eighth grade and EVEN I thought it was disturbing. For example:(Spoiler alert) the abandoned pig's owner owned a tattoo shop and he let the new tattoo artists practice on him. I mean doesn't that sound a bit disturbing to you? The end was cute too, but I wouldn't want to go see it again anytime soon.
    • Allyabout 8 years
      I thought the movie was really cute in the beginning, but it go a bit off track in the middle. Although the ending was pretty good too.
      • jellycat
        jellycatabout 8 years55 popcorn
        I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!!!!!
        • Lucyabout 8 years
          Hahaha that movie is so funny
          • Death nightabout 8 years
            This is so cool
            • waterlily1255
              waterlily1255about 8 years
              Loved the animals that were actual pets like Max,Duke, Chloe, and well you get the point. But did not like the cats and underground pets very much. They didn't scare me more then I was expecting, it was just well akward....
              • gymnastaussican
                gymnastaussicanabout 8 years33 popcorn
                Same...if something else had happened other than the underground would have been so much better. When I saw the looked so good but it turned out just plain weird.
              • Space dog about 8 years
                I love this movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it is soooooo good!
                • smishball123
                  smishball123about 8 years
                  i cant wait
                  • smishball123
                    smishball123about 8 years
                    im gonna see it on fri