The Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of Pets
The Secret Life of Pets

The Secret Life of Pets (2016)

The quiet life of a terrier named Max is upended when his owner takes in Duke, a stray whom Max instantly dislikes.

Release Date: July 8, 2016

511 Movie Reviews
  • I love it about 8 years
    I'm a girl who's going into 7th grade. I got dragged along to see it, but in all honesty I'm so glad I did. This movie was so heartwarming, funny, cute, and a little bit sad at one point. My parents and my grandma loved it as well. My fifth grade brother and preschooler brother liked it too. But- I warn you it's a tear jerker so bring tissues! This may just be one of the best movies I've ever seen. Out of an 100% rating, it gets 101%. :)
    • Amyleanabout 8 years
      I wouldn't recommend this as a kids movie. I find some of the scripts destributing. I.e. How in order to join a cult, the pet must kill humans? And must describe the process of how the human was killed? I don't find that funny at all.
    • movie watcherabout 8 years
      I wated this its so funny and awesome
      • gigirose1124
        gigirose1124about 8 years
        This movie is very cute and very entertaining. I went with a few friends to see it and we were all hysterical during a particular scene...(when you see it you will know which one) Overall, we were on the edge of our seats most of the movie and enjoyed it. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys animated comedies!
        • oceanfever
          oceanfeverabout 8 years
          This movie is so cute and funny. I love all the characters. I loved to see the adventures they went on and the obstacal's they went through to find their beloved friend. This movie is so sweet and it was so much fun to watch. Universal put this movie together so well. The animation in this movie was amazing. if you have not seen this movie i recommend it! :)
          • Sweet chicabout 8 years
            Can't wait to watch this movie😎😍
            • Chico13about 8 years
              Chloe is like my cat Persephone who is very naughty!
              • racoon3711
                racoon3711about 8 years55 popcorn
                This movie is super hilarious and very sweet. It is about multiple pets that unite to try to help find Max and Duke once they go missing. In the movie first Max doesn't really like Duke but once they get to know each other they get along very well. This movie also shows not to judge people, or pets, until you get to know them. This movie was great and very enjoyable for all ages. GO WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!
                • Nicole6about 8 years
                  This movie was very fun and lighthearted. It shows to help out your friends when they need you. This movie is hilarious and great for all ages. You HAVE to watch it!!!!!! ; ) PS I just love all the animals in this movie, they were so cute and funny!
                  • Mega manabout 8 years
                    I REALLY want to watch this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!