lll's Activity (53)
orangegirl added a movie review.
About 9 years agopixelcake3 added a book review.
Over 9 years agopixelcake3 added a book review.
Over 9 years agopixelcake3liked a comment in Nelson Mandela.
i loved this book but im also very sad that nelson mondela has died but we can live with out him and keep him in our hearts because he was an exstodianary man !!!!! so lets all heep him in our hearts forever and ever and ever and ever beacsue he was one of the most exstrodiary men alive i now i said this once but im saying it again ! ! ! !RIP! !
Over 9 years agopixelcake3 has read this book.
Over 9 years agopixelcake3 wants to read this book.
Over 9 years agopixelcake3 has read this book.
Over 9 years agolll added a new comment in
Over 9 years agopixelcake3is now following olive342.
Over 9 years agopandajrm added a new comment in
Over 9 years ago