Imagine having lost both of your parents without ever getting the chance to know them, then having to live with your uncle and aunt who hate you for no apparent reason at all. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K Rowling Harry endures all of this and more. The setting starts in a small town in England called Little Whinging during the 1990’s, but the main setting of the book is in a castle which is also a school called Hogwarts. The main antagonist of the book is the evil wizard known as Lord Voldemort which is just an anagram for his real name which is Tom Riddle. Throughout the book the Sorcerer's stone is mentioned as a magical item which could make the elixir of life which granted the one who drank it immortality. For this reason, Lord Voldemort was trying to steal the sorcerer’s stone for himself. His plan was to use the defense against the dark arts teacher Professor Quirrell to take the stone while he was in hogwarts. Harry has an Aha! Moment when he finds out that professor Quirrell had been working with voldemort to steal the sorcerer’s stone and is able to stop the two with the help of dumbledore. I would recommend this book to anybody over the age of 10. It is relatively advanced and long, it can be tedious to read if you haven’t had much experience reading. This book is a great starter to the series and has something for everyone which is why I would give this book a 10/10.