The Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of PetsThe Secret Life of Pets
The Secret Life of Pets

The Secret Life of Pets (2016)

The quiet life of a terrier named Max is upended when his owner takes in Duke, a stray whom Max instantly dislikes.

Release Date: July 8, 2016

511 Movie Reviews
  • LOLover 8 years
    it looks so funny
    • LOLover 8 years
      The poodle is my favorite!! :)
      • hiover 8 years
        i love the fat cat sooo funny!!!
        • Lily Graceover 8 years
          Very funny and I LOVE the fat cat there all just so adorable
          • coolaj
            coolajover 8 years55 popcorn
            I really want to see it
            • Mimiover 8 years
              I want to see it when it gets out it looks like a funny movie
              • Ava- Zegers 2ndover 8 years
                In my opinion I think the movie The Secret Life of Pets is the best movie ever. Firstly I think the movie is the best because the movie is funny. Secondly I want to see what the pets do when there owners are gone. Lastly I want to see the movie because I want to see the dog getting a massage by the cake mixer. That is why I want to see the movie The Secret Life of Pets.
                • neoncat
                  neoncatover 8 years33 popcorn
                  Can't wait!
                  • dcoolcruz123456
                    dcoolcruz123456over 8 years55 popcorn
                    I want to see it
                    • mcat25
                      mcat25over 8 years55 popcorn
                      I can't wait till it comes out. So excited!!!!!!!!!

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