The Man Who Invented ChristmasThe Man Who Invented ChristmasThe Man Who Invented ChristmasThe Man Who Invented ChristmasThe Man Who Invented ChristmasThe Man Who Invented ChristmasThe Man Who Invented ChristmasThe Man Who Invented ChristmasThe Man Who Invented ChristmasThe Man Who Invented ChristmasThe Man Who Invented ChristmasThe Man Who Invented ChristmasThe Man Who Invented ChristmasThe Man Who Invented Christmas
The Man Who Invented Christmas

The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017)

In 1843, despite the fact that Dickens is a successful writer, the failure of his latest book puts his career at a crossroads, until the moment when, struggling with inspiration and confronting reality with his childhood memories, a new character is born in the depths of his troubled mind; an old, lonely, embittered man, so vivid, so human, that a whole world grows around him, a story so inspiring that changed the meaning of Christmas forever.

Release Date: November 22, 2017

10 Movie Reviews
  • nasuada
    nasuadaalmost 6 years44 popcorn
    This was a fun movie. Charles Dickens is attempting to write a new book (A Christmas Carol), after a couple didn't go over well. He gets inspiration from his surroundings, and then all the characters visit him and cheer him on as he's writing. As an aspiring writer, it was interesting to watch. Also, I did some research, and historically, it is fairly accurate.
    • Osiroover 6 years
      I took my 9, 10 and 12 year old, along with my husband and father, to see this movie, thinking that it would inspire the message of Christmas. Sadly and surprisingly, 95% of this movie was dark, miserable and scary, showing prolific images of death to a point unnecessary and beyond the original and heart-warming Christmas Carol story. We all left feeling heavy and disappointed that we had to watch this. I felt like leaving before the end, but held on hoping there would be a silver lining and resolve to the misery. Also, the resentful and hateful relationship between Charles Dickens and his father is too mature and difficult for young children to even fathom. A total disappointment. 0
      • abolt234almost 7 years
        Love the origin. Have not watched it yet.
        • djmonster
          djmonsteralmost 7 years
          the movie is so great can't wait for it to come out
          • cocolightbulb
            cocolightbulbalmost 7 years55 popcorn
            I love this movie because it is so interesting and it takes you to the past,present,and future
            • AmberPuppy🍁 almost 7 years
              wow it looks so cool!!! I would love to see it!!!!!! and cutecat6 I agree with you.....why can't we open our presents before we go to our Xmas eve service!!!
              • ss11
                ss11almost 7 years55 popcorn
                Wow. I really like this movie 'cause it's really touching.
                • cutecat6
                  cutecat6almost 7 years55 popcorn
                  This movie is like the Christmas Carol. The three Christmas spirits, the man who hates Christmas(which reminds me of the Grinch 😊), and that other.....guy with the book. And just to tell you penz and Billy Bob(Bob Smith) Joe didn't do a rating. So I did it first, your welcome(🎶)! And is this playing on Christmas? Cause I want to know. My family and I have to go to church, open presents(why can't we do it BEFORE going to church?!), and have a BIG feast. Happy Holidays 🎄!
                  • penz almost 7 years
                    I have not seen it yet but I want to really bad.
                    • Billy Bob Joealmost 7 years