The Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji Movie
The Emoji Movie

The Emoji Movie (2017)

Gene, a multi-expressional emoji, sets out on a journey to become a normal emoji.

Release Date: July 23, 2017

418 Movie Reviews
  • grapefruit
    grapefruitalmost 7 years55 popcorn
    I don't know...I haven't watched this but it looks pretty fun.Not sure.Is it childish? Anyone got tips here?
    • springchick114
      springchick114almost 7 years
      I would like to see this and test it out.
      • aguermis0000almost 7 years
        i don't even like this move
        • rancorman
          rancormanalmost 7 years11 popcorn
          This movie is just a movie-length ad for phone apps
          • braebrae
            braebraealmost 7 years55 popcorn
            ITS A MEME NOW
            • jasonalmost 7 years
              your talking about trolls
              • what?almost 7 years
                people hate this alot 100% and it's TRUE it has no reason to even live! THIS ANIMATION sucks! it's a rip-off of wreck-it-ralph and the lego movie! | The lego movie | The emoji move | emoji-lego | wreck-it-ralph the characters live in a game! |The characters in THE EMOJI MOVIE LIVE IN A phone! A PHONE!!!! | You know what be very EVIL to do? A FIDGET SPINNER MOVIE THAT COMES TO REAL LIFE!!
                • rehjiro12345
                  rehjiro12345almost 7 years
                  They just made this movie to get money. There is really no point to the movie
                  • Future_DOGOalmost 7 years
                    The review said this movie was not so great.
                    • ewalmost 7 years
                      I'm sorry the movie isn't that good the moral is just never be afraid to show your true colors... thats it this movie is WACK