Solo: A Star Wars Story

Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)

Through a series of daring escapades deep within a dark and dangerous criminal underworld, Han Solo meets his mighty future copilot Chewbacca and encounters the notorious gambler Lando Calrissian.

Release Date: May 10, 2018

12 Movie Reviews
  • ben_l22
    ben_l22almost 3 years55 popcorn
    It's a really good movie. As a matter of fact, my dad actually named the movie. My dad works for a private movie company.
    • babyyoda1632
      babyyoda1632over 4 years33 popcorn
      It was interesting. It definitely explains Han Solo and Lando's relationship and how Han got the Millennium falcon. I also enjoy the finding of Chewie! # Star Wars!
      • ponytail2010
        ponytail2010over 4 years
        It is really good and I recommend It because it takes a character that is so brave and adventurous and tells the story of his life and explains a lot of other things people might be curious about.
        • lucassinclair
          lucassinclairalmost 5 years55 popcorn
          This movie is all about Han Solo when he is young, and when he starts his path as a smuggler. I really do recommend this movie, and this is one of my favorite movies now!
          • carebear0518
            carebear0518about 5 years55 popcorn
            It is great and your welcome zoeyairstaff and thank you for following me 😊
            • pm-olm
              pm-olmabout 5 years55 popcorn
              This movie was great! I enjoyed it because I got to learn all about Han Solo’s life before he met the rebels. Watch this movie!
              • x-winglover
                x-wingloverabout 5 years
                I would love to see this movie of Solo: A Star Wars story because I have seen it once even though I love the X-Wing starfighters and it makes me want to have a X-Wing starfighter of my own so I could fly it anywhere, and anyplace I want to. But I did saw all the Star Wars movies.
                • Kid drifty almost 6 years
                  GREAT MOVIE but chewie is shorter in the real movies
                  • ade57
                    ade57almost 6 years55 popcorn
                    I LOVE THIS MOVIE. The ending is crazy.
                    • actionkid
                      actionkidover 6 years55 popcorn
                      ending is so cool