My Christmas Family TreeMy Christmas Family TreeMy Christmas Family TreeMy Christmas Family TreeMy Christmas Family TreeMy Christmas Family TreeMy Christmas Family TreeMy Christmas Family TreeMy Christmas Family TreeMy Christmas Family TreeMy Christmas Family TreeMy Christmas Family TreeMy Christmas Family Tree
My Christmas Family Tree

My Christmas Family Tree (2021)

When Vanessa receives the results from her Family Tree DNA test, she discovers a family she didn't know existed and travels to their home for Christmas.

Release Date: November 13, 2021

1 Movie Review
  • techfashion0315
    techfashion0315over 1 year55 popcornFeatured
    Vanessa has always known that she had a missing part to her family. Even so, when she decides to take a DNA test, Vanessa is surprised to find out that her biological father only lives an hour away from her. Not before long, Richard, Vanessa's father, invites Vanessa to come to his house for the holidays. Upon arriving at Richard's house, Vanessa is introduced to Richard's family and the family friend Chris. After getting to know his family and unexpectedly falling in love with Chris, Vanessa finally fells like she belongs. But when surprising news comes out about Richard, Vanessa is left feeling alone. I really, really liked this movie! With a dramatic family essence, and a romantic side plot too, this movie is a must watch. This movie was heartwarming, holiday-forward, and very romantic. A prefect movie to get you into the holiday spirit. I suggest this movie if you like watching movies about family, romance, and the holidays. Happy watching!!