Mune: Guardian of the MoonMune: Guardian of the MoonMune: Guardian of the MoonMune: Guardian of the MoonMune: Guardian of the MoonMune: Guardian of the Moon
Mune: Guardian of the Moon

Mune: Guardian of the Moon (2017)

When a faun named Mune becomes the Guardian of the Moon, little did he had unprepared experience with the Moon and an accident that could put both the Moon and the Sun in danger, including a corrupt titan named Necross who wants the Sun for himself and placing the balance of night and day in great peril. Now with the help of a wax-child named Glim and the warrior, Sohone who also became the Sun Guardian, they go out on an exciting journey to get the Sun back and restore the Moon to their rightful place in the sky.

Release Date: August 12, 2017

2 Movie Reviews
  • wolflove
    wolfloveover 6 years44 popcorn
    an very adventurous story about 2 sides (🌞 and 🌚 )
    • cutecat6
      cutecat6over 6 years55 popcorn
      I really liked this movie!!!! The moon side was my favorite. When I was in aftercare, the aftercare teacher put one this movie, but I was so busy drawing so I didn't really want to watch it. On Friday, I couldn't go to school on Friday because I had oral surgery. After my oral surgery, I went to the basement to watch something. Luckily, I was on Netflix and they had this movie on Netflix. One of classmates watched this movie way before I did and he said this movie was actually pretty good. So when I watched this movie on Netflix on Friday, I really liked it. I liked the girl named Glim(who is made out of wax)is from the dawn/sunset side(which is night and day mixed together)because she is like me(except with all the reading history books, going on adventures, and made out of wax, melting when the sun is up, and freezing when the the moon is up. Thanks for reading my review! I hope you will review too!