DC Films Presents Dawn of the Justice League

DC Films Presents Dawn of the Justice League (2016)

Rated PG 22 min - Documentary
A documentary special taking a look at the upcoming films making up the DC Universe. Kevin Smith hosts with Geoff Johns, as they take a look at Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, Suicide Squad, the upcoming Wonder Woman and Justice League movies.

Release Date: January 19, 2016

51 Movie Reviews
  • Franklinabout 9 years
    This was a very interesting documentary that dove deeper into the world of the D.C movie universe. It talked about the upcoming, long awaited "Bat-Man v Super-Man: Dawn of Justice" film, which comes out March 25th, by the way. It also explained the other movies in the Dc Universe line up, such as Wonder Woman, and The Suicide Squad movies. Also, this documentary also included the world premiere of the "Suicide Squad" film, which makes it's way into theaters this August. Other movies that are on their way include, Green Lantern, The Flash, Aqua Man, Cyborg, and the Justice League. Very valuable information on the upcoming superhero films from D.C. Bat-Man vs Super-Man: Dawn of Justice. Who will win?!
    • haileyabout 9 years
      like i like bat man and he won
      • haileyabout 9 years
        i don`t like this moive
        • hernaday001
          hernaday001about 9 years
          wows people.
          • Black sheepabout 9 years
            Batman would WIN
            • trowbmig000
              trowbmig000about 9 years55 popcorn
              who will WIN SUPER MAN
              • tray2007
                tray2007about 9 years
                the is cool
                • fuzzymarshmallo
                  fuzzymarshmalloabout 9 years
                  How is this an Action documentary? I'd call it a Action Fantasy Movie.
                  • Donnieabout 9 years
                    I can't wait to see it.
                    • dinomanabout 9 years
                      this is awesome i saw the batman v superman trailer and i think no one wins lex revives doomsday and superman and batman team up to win

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