An American Girl: Saige Paints the SkyAn American Girl: Saige Paints the Sky
An American Girl: Saige Paints the Sky

An American Girl: Saige Paints the Sky (2013)

Rated G 100 min - Family Tv Movie
Saige Copeland is a talented artist who loves horses. She's pumped up about the new school year and seeing her best friend Tessa. But that changes when Tessa seems to be hanging out with another girl and when art class is cut. Saige, now trapped, goes to her grandmother for help and takes action. Saige now must face her fear and overcome her stage fright. Can Saige let go of her fears and her jealousy to shine bright and regain her friendship with Tessa?

Release Date: July 2, 2013

5 Movie Reviews
  • adroit_avimimus
    adroit_avimimusover 2 years55 popcornFeatured
    Everyone learns moral lessons as well as the ability to overcome whatever is in the way. And there is nothing offensive. This movie is for all ages, but mostly for kids. This latest American Girl outing remains true to the spirit of American Girl, and sticks to the same atmosphere of their recent "Girl of the Year" movies, in another example of quality children's entertainment that is seldom seen on the market these days. There is a sweet, gentle, and ultimately uplifting quality to all the American Girl movies, and Saige is no exception. The simple story of nine-year-old Saige and her efforts to save the art program at her school is carried out quite nicely, with several tender moments and a beautifully colorful production design. As it is with the other American Girl movies, what starts out as a sweet, simple story actually develops into a heartwarming tale that is sure to empower its youthful audience (and maybe some grown-ups, as well). American Girl deserves all the praise it can get for creating empowering, uplifting entertainment that has far more depth and craft and substance than most of the standard children's fare. Saige Paints the Sky is an example of wholesome, innocent storytelling that does more than just keep the kids occupied for an hour and a half. As with all the American Girl movies, it gives girls (or anyone) something to think about and aspire to long after the movie is over. The theme throughout is about change, overcoming fear of change, and restoring things lost. It also promotes the value of art and music, has some nice examples throughout. It promotes the importance of friendship and cooperation. Its plainness of presentation makes the life messages clear for them. I have always enjoyed the American Girl movies and the values they teach, but this one has been by far the one I have enjoyed the most. It has an easy to follow plot for children and scenes that will keep them interested in the movie while showing them skills they will need to cope with life's issues. One thing that caught my attention was that Saige's grandmother's home there was a fireplace with a fire, but the movie takes place in a warm climate, so I found it a little strange that a fireplace was lit. Jane Seymour's acting was excellent, as always and she really gave the character a warmth that was vital to touching scenes like when she meets Saige at the Fiesta. All in all, I simply loved this movie and I have to say that this is one of my favorite American Girl movies.
    • techfashion0315
      techfashion0315over 2 years55 popcornFeatured
      I loved this movie. Super sweet and it has music in it that I am still singing it to this day! When Saige learns that her beloved art program is closing, she takes action to stop it from closing by wearing beige and telling everyone that the world would look as dule as beige if they took away art. Her plan of stopping the art program from closing is working until she realizes that her best friend Tereas is spending more time with her new friend from summer camp, Dillion. With Dillion and Tessa leaving her out of their girl plans, her grandmother Mimi sick, stopping her art program from closing, Saige has her hands full. But she still has time for fun, like being in a New Mexican parade. I liked this movie because it was motivating, fun, and lot like the American Girl books. I suggest it for people who like girl power, American Girl books, and art!
      • howls
        howlsover 4 years55 popcorn
        Perfect for me😍
        • Flaming_queenover 6 years
          I love this movie because Saige loves to do art and I do to
          • catslovewaffles
            catslovewafflesalmost 7 years44 popcorn
            This movie was really good. I don't really like AG dolls but the movies are decent